1. Little man ran into the couch and cut bottom and top gums. He ripped the skin that attaches the top gum to the upper lip. Talk about major ouch! After a few minutes of crying, son was fine, but Mommy needed to lay down for just a sec...
2. Little man tripped and fell on top of sister's head as she was laying on the floor. Major tears for all three of us! She was fine, but again, Mommy needed to lay down for just a sec...
3. Forgot to drain and remove the kiddie pool off the grass after a week. Can you say, rotting grass? Mommy tried to hide the big circle of yellow, fly hoovering grass from Daddy, but the stench gave it away. "No, honey, you don't really want to go in the backyard do you? I heard a rattle snake earlier. No, wait.... huh? What smell? I don't smell anything."
4. Little girl slapped mommy hard across the face. Put her in 1st time out, but this was kind of a "high" too because she looked so darn cute standing in the corner for like 5 seconds. Also, her "mean" face at mommy as she looked back at me from the corner was priceless.
5. Still in a power struggle with son regarding toilet training. Decided to do the bare butt thing and gave son a towel to use to sit on when he is on the floor, chair, etc. Husband came home and used said towel to dry face after he washed it in the sink. After telling husband what he just did, husband now worries he'll get pink eye.
1. Took son to the dentist to check teeth after "low" incident #1 and he was wonderful. No fuss, no running for the hills, and no bribery needed!
2. Went to get son a haircut before it turns into a full mullet and again, the "perfect" child. No fuss, no running for the hills, and no bribery needed! (I'm sure this won't last)
3. Little lady added a few more words to her vocabulary. "Otro" which means "other" in English, "this" and "este" which is Spanish for this, "autobus" which is "bus" in English, and "nose." It is amazing how much little kids pick up. One week she is only saying 2 words and then BAM, 5 more words in a week! Let's see if she picks up the words "f*ck" and "sh*t in next week's vocabulary. Those have been popular words this week especially during the husband part of low # 5.
4. Doing my domestic wife and mommy duties, made dinner every single day this week (well there is still today's dinner challenge, so we will see, ok and the weekend left, so almost a work week!)
5. Tried a new flavor of coffee by Don Francisco, Cinnamon Hazelnut. It was a piece of heaven I enjoyed early in the morning before the kids woke up and created "lows" #1, 2, & 4.
So what are your high/lows of the week? I would like to hear from you! Follow me on twitter @mysanityblog, become a member of my blog, and spread the love to your followers, family, friends,and enemies! (I don't discriminate) :-)
I'm glad I'm not the only one with accident prone kids! Glad your little guy was OK. I'd have to lay down after that too ;)